Monday, July 17, 2006

I passed my driving test !

Yipee !!! Yes I did it ! After years of putting it on hold, i finally managed to get hold of the elusive driving license. It's hard to conjure up words to express how tensed up a person gets on the day of his driving test. It was nerve wrecking and you can just go "blank" if you did not have some measure of control.

I guess luck also played a part because the road condition was smooth at that time and the driving tester was suprisingly in a good mood. I was hysterical when i was told i had passed and i am savouring every moment of my new found privilege. I can't wait to save up for my very own first car.

PS: This is the first time i ever managed to accomplish one of my new year resolutions and so this makes it even more special.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Italy - World Cup Champions 2006

The World Cup Finals are over and finally no more sleepless nights for millions of football fans around the world.The Azzuri have at last buried the ghost of 94. They have been crowned the new world champions albeit through a penalty shootout win.

However this final will always be remembered for the way the greatest footballer of all time, Zinedine Zidane left the international scene in controversial fashion. The match itself was a roller coaster ride and it did live up to expectations of a thrilling finale. In my opionion, both Italy and France are winners in their own right for having reached all the way to the final.

However we have to bid farewell to the living legend Zinedine Zidane who has given us great moments in football history and has now joined the league of world cup greats...Goodbye Zidane...You are still the best !