Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ramadan - A very special moment

Ramadan is here, Here is Ramadan.
Ramadan is coming, The time that is blessed.
Ramadan is coming, The time we love best.
The month in which the Qur'an was sent;
A time of great blessing in which to repent.
Fasting for Allah is a great Muslim deed;
Controlling desires and Suppressing greed.

Ramadan is coming, Increase your Iman.
Ramadan is coming, Recite the Qur'an.
Taking "Suhur" in the dead of the Night;
No eating no drinking during the daylight.
Refrain from bad deeds and repent your soul;
The pleasure of Allah is our only goal.

Ramadan is coming, so let us prepare.
Ramadan is coming; there is peace everywhere,
Even if there is hunger, remember your Lord
And wait until 'Iftar' to earn your reward.
Fasting is one of the gifts of Allah
Given to believers to increase 'Taqwah'.

Ramadan is here, here is Ramadan.
Ramadan is coming, so seek the new Moon.
Ramadan is coming, it will be here soon.
We pray to Allah to put right our hearts;
Ask for forgiveness from Allah and make a new start.

Raising our hands we ask for his 'Rahmaa';
Hear us our Lord and grant us 'Jannah'.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Success is a job well done

Success is said to be the consequence of certain actions...a result. Every such outcome has a cause. The cause of the result called success can be described as action that has three qualities - Concentration,Consistency & Humility.

Society has it's own definition of success. In that sense, success is a very social concept. The meaning of success,as generally understood by society today, is the accumulation of status,fame,money and power. If there were no society, there would be no yardstick to measure who is successful and who is not.

For me success is a result. Success is a job well done. Success is not about achieving fame,accumulating money or having power and influence in society. Success should be personal and have nothing to do with what society may think.