Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If Evolution Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Evolve

I normally shun away from any political topics because i personally believe the political world is full of hypocrisy and twisted idealogy. But there are some issues that sometimes seem to consume my thoughts and urge my conscience to speak out. I strongly believe the world has become a more violent place to live in since the turn of the new millenium. It's with great sadness that we have seen so much carnage and loss of innocent lives when we should be embracing and celebrating the great progression mankind have made regardless of our race or religion.

I believe we are all in this quagmire because of the selfish ideals of a select few. The world has seen the birth of the new hitler. US president George W Bush and his legion of fanatical supporters waged a war on september 11th 2001 which they plotted and executed in their own soil. However the evil they unleashed on their homeland set stage for a fury of dramatic events that later "justified" their murder of thousands of innocent people especially in the middle east. It's sad there is nothing much we can do to stop these atrocities except to pray hard for all these bloodshed to end quickly. The fate of the world is in the wrong hands now and we need divine intervention to stop these outlaws before they outlaw our existance.


I take this opportunity to wish all my family members,relatives,friends and colleagues SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI. May this joyous occation bring happiness and joy to everyone. Have a splendid and memorable time with your loved ones.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Slayer - Live in Concert - Singapore

Friday the 13th 2006....Legendary Metal Band SLAYER finally came to singapore for a one night performance and i was there to catch them live ! Eventhough it was a relatively short gig lasting just over 90 minutes, they still managed to perform almost all their best songs spanning their 20 years of ground breaking metal history. This was a gig no metal fan should have missed. It was awesome and intense right from the beginning to the end. On a side note, I managed to meet some old frens whom i've not met in years and that made it special. To sum it up, this gig had just rejuvenated the metal craze inside of me. Thank You SLAYER. See you soon !