Friday, January 05, 2007

The Last Letter of Saddam Hussein

Here are excerpts from Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's last letter just few weeks before he was inhumanely executed by the invaders of iraq and their cronies. Here are his last words....

"Remember that God has enabled you to become an example of love, forgiveness and brotherly co-existence...

I call on you not to hate because hate does not leave a space for a person to be fair and it makes you blind and closes all doors of thinking and keeps away one from balanced thinking and making the right choice ...

I also call on you not to hate the peoples of the other countries that attacked us and differentiate between the decision-makers and peoples...

Anyone who repents - whether in Iraq or abroad - you must forgive him...

You should know that among the aggressors, there are people who support your struggle against the invaders, and some of them volunteered for the legal defence of prisoners, including Saddam Hussein...

Some of these people wept profusely when they said goodbye to me...

Dear faithful people, I say goodbye to you, but I will be with the merciful God who helps those who take refuge in him and who will never disappoint any faithful, honest believer... God is Great... God is great... Long live our nation... Long live our great struggling people...

Long live Iraq, long live Iraq... Long live Palestine... Long live jihad and the mujahideen".

Saddam Hussein
President and Commander in Chief of the Iraqi Mujahid Armed Forces

Additional Note: I have written this letter because the lawyers told me that the so-called criminal court - established and named by the invaders - will allow the so-called defendants the chance for a last word. But that court and its chief judge did not give us the chance to say a word, and issued its verdict without explanation and read out the sentence - dictated by the invaders - without presenting the evidence.

I wanted the people to know this.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Goodbye 2006....Hello 2007 !!!

Happy New Year Everyone ! I have to admit 2006 had been a truly great year for me. It's definately my most memorable one because I got married at last and also finally managed to get my driver's license. What a differance a year can make in a person's life. Well i've reached another stage of my life and pretty much settling down in my married life. I hope our beautiful relationship continues to get stronger each day and hopefully in the next few years, we will be starting our own little family.

Well, first thing's first and that's planning my new year resoultion. I have planned to get my own house as well as getting my very own car. As for the forseeable future, i'm going to get down working hard to achieving these two goals first and we'll see how it goes from there....we got a whole year ahead of us ! Once again...

Happy New Year !