Friday, February 16, 2007

Sin City

Singapore is certainly living up to the name...quite literally. The past decade has seen this country transform itself into a more liberal and westernised society. But with change has also come a price. Singaporeans have seen disturbing changes in their lives..not for the good but for the bad..... The much respected asian values & cultures are slowly disintergrating and eventually disappearing as they are forced to become irrelevant. These changes are seen across all the races in singapore especially the chinese and malay community. However amongst these communities i have observed that the females are the ones most absorbed into this newfound western culture that allows them all the freedom they can have that was not possible in a strict asian culture.

It's no suprise to see how such girls dress so scantily these days. Showing off butt-cracks,bellies and boobs in public is considered normal to these modernist females. The clothes they wear are as minimal as possible. Bar-top dancing or pole-dancing are considered acceptable behaviours. For these women, it's not practical to have asian values anymore. They don't believe in settling down and have kids but are more concerned about material wealth and multiple relationships. That is why less people are getting married and more people are getting divorced and staying single. Some people fail to understand that not everything that comes from the west is good. In western countries, the whole family system is no longer relevant because couples cohibit without getting married. The children are brought up with no legal parents and this disturbs the whole family balance. The whole social fabric in the west is facing a collapse. If singapore does not start taking measures to protect it's asian heritage and cultivate the rich values and cultures to the young generation...then a social disoder will be inevitable.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Dream Phone

This is absolutely the slickest mobile phone i've ever seen (period) from sony ericsson !....i don't think anyone needs to upgrade after getting their hands on this gem of a's absolutely beautiful...Hope it gets released soon !

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Congratulations Team Singapore !

Okay they are not the greatest team in the world...not even in asia....but they are still the team that every singaporean should love and support. Hey if we are not behind our country nobody else would....

Well done Lions for a hard fought match that has certaintly done wonders to your reputation....but don't sit down on your laurels and regard this victory as a stepping stone to achieve greater heights and bringing home more glory especially the Sea-Games Gold Medal... You can do it guys !

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bad Apples

I guess some people can't get rid of their racist mindset no matter how much public awareness and campaigns have been going on to stop such utterly moronic behaviours. I recently visited the Apple Store in Wheelock Place to buy a set of speakers for my Ipod. It did not occur to me then at the point of entering the store that almost all the staff at this Apple store were chinese. However,since this was singapore i did not think that was a big deal....sadly i was to realise later...that was the deal !

As i was looking around the store, i noticed none of the sales people came up to me to render any assistance. There were salesmen who were just idling around doing nothing and they kept giving that blank look that gives you the impression of hostility.

However, they gladly approached every caucasian or chinese customer who entered the store. Everytime, i was close to a sales person, they turned a blind eye and looked in the other way. They pretended as though we were non-existant. There were few other local indian and malay customers and they got the same cold reception as i got.

When i approached a chinese sales person whose name was Dennis, he was simply not interested to provide any service. He kept giving blunt replies to my questions, did not assist me to test the speakers and kept turning his attention to his chinese or caucasian customers. I was so fed up with such despicable behaviour, I just stormed out of the store. It's sad that even in this modern age, we still have people who outright racist and feel at the same time subservient to the caucasians.

It's difficult to change the mindsets of these morons, they simply refuse to change. Honestly, they are only making a fool out of themselves. They've belittled themselves.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bring Back The Dream Team

Last Wednesday 31st Jan 2007, nearly 55,000 fans witnessed what seemed like the last competitive match at the Kallang National Stadium. The match was highly controversialand was marred by a walk-out by the Thai team due to a dubious penalty decision and trouble among rival fans. It is very disheartening to learn that it would be the last competitive match played there.

The great old dame which witnessed the birth of many soccer legends of singapore should be given a more grand farewell party before it's history is put to an end. I strongly believe it would be more befitting if we had a ceremonial match pitting the current national team against singapore's dream team of the past. It would be a mouth-watering contest to see Aide Iskander and his men take on Fandi Ahmad and the legends of singapore soccer. It would be a marvellous oppurtunity for the young generation of today who missed the malaysia cup era to witness the wizardry and talent of the likes of Fandi Ahmad & V.Sundramoorthy,

We must have one last match to celebrate the history of this legendary stadium which witnessed some great goals and matches. This is what singapore wants to really see before the floodlights are turned off for the last time. I hope FAS would take this oppurtunity to celebrate the legacy of past singapore soccer heroes and also showcase what we have for the future. It will also be every singapore soccer fan's dream if FAS releases a dvd showcasing all the great goals,matches and interviews by the Lions of the past and present. Singapore Soccer although not great is still unique and singaporeans have always been passionate about their Lions. I truly hope FAS take into serious consideration of organising this DREAM MATCH before we see the end of the great Kallang Stadium.