Monday, October 29, 2007

Bring the FIFA World Cup To Singapore

It is now confirmed that FIFA, the world governing body for football, are expected to change their system of rotating the World Cup finals between the continents. If that decision is finalised, it would open the market for any country with the necessary infrastructure to launch a bid to host the 2018 tournament. I believe with the progress asean has made over the decades, 2018 would be the prefect time for southeast asia in particular to showcase to the rest of the world that they have the resources and capabilities to stage such an important world sporting event.

The economic benefits of staging the world cup finals in southeast asia would be unparalled and it will definately spur even greater development in the region. The World Cup finals in south-east asia would not only propel the tourism industry but also raise the sporting standards of asean footballing nations. It is the perfect time to announce to the rest of the world, that we are ready to stage the world cup finals and this news would also be a boon to our current developments like the intergrated resorts in making singapore a global city.

I strongly believe if Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore were to cooperate and join hands to co-host a joint world cup bid, they would be serious contenders. Both Malaysia and Thailand already have world class stadiums while singapore would have their new Kallang Stadium in place by 2012. We would have ample time to build a second stadium in the north-east region in the developing part of Sengkang or Punggol if needed. I think the vast economic oppurtunites that would benefit Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore would also bring many years of political stability and cooperation between these nations who have a long interwoven history. I believe we can do it with a collective effort and i hope the government sets up a panel with it's neighbouring counterparts to study this dream and make it into a reality. To sum it up, if we can't make it to the world cup, the next best thing is to bring the world cup here.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


With all the mad rush going on around the world today, it's always refreshing to go back and marvel at the wonder of mother is a blissful image that showcases the calm and peaceful side of this beautiful planet....i am sure this picture will help calm the mind of those viewing it.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Wag The Dog

War has become a lucrative industry for the rich and powerful nations. There is a whole new meaning to the term "world war" is now defined as a situation where the rest of the world is forced to sit and watch a superpower tyrant nation wreck havoc and destroy helpless nations that it deems hostile to it's monopoly and dominance.

The war that america and it's western allies are now waging was made possible with the power of the media. Every angle of an event such as 9/11 was captured and edited to meet their agenda.The news footage fed into the homes over and over made everyone believe that they needed to wage a war with a non-existent enemy that was created by themselves to fuel the war machines.

The war on terror was initiated with the help of the media which started to paint a picture that all of america was under attack. They made it into an american issue and that they were victims besieged by evil forces. It was such a successful propaganda and served as a justification to go to war and if that was not enough to convince the rest of the world....they started to spin lies of on the floors of the UN assembly about WMD.

With the support now in their hand, they shifted their focus of attention to countries that have had hostile relationships with america. These countries were targeted for annihilation by being labeled as an axis of evil. However only nations which did not pose a serious threat to them militarily were carefully chosen as victims.

These so called "evil nations" were already battered nations as in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, which had already been fragmented by decades of unfair sanctions and civil war. This was all carefully planned to make the entry and infiltration of the allied forces very simple and give the world the impression that they have won a battle they never fought.

America has always been a jewish colony....the country's most powerful, influential men and women are jewish....and these powerful jewish americans believe unanimously that the only way to protect their motherland, israel, is to make use of the financial, politcal and military might of america to safeguard their interests. That's the only reason why america has always had a harsh and bitter relationship with most muslim nations in the middle east.

The history of the arabs whether muslims, christian or jewish are so intertwined. Yet they only focus on their differences and engulf themselves in conflicts where only blood and tears are shed. It's a cruel situation where arab muslims keep getting the blame and on the contrary always suffer the most casualties and victimization. The questions that need to be asked are simple. Why did mankind sit idle and allow such baseless wars to happen in the first place ? Have they forgotten the hard lessons from World War 1 and 2 ? What went wrong that made civilization take a back seat in the 21st century ? Is this the beginning of the end ? Only time will tell.